NARWC DATA access requests
Data access requests received by the NARWC are listed by year and include the requester, institution, data of request, working title, and database requested.
Approved Requests for NARWC Data 2016
Management Requests
Management Requests
- Whale, dolphin, and porpoise sightings for Sydney Basin and Orpheus Graben Offshore Cape Breton, Nova Scotia (B. Cameron - Amec Foster Wheeler, Sightings Database, February 2016)
- Annual number of right whale births, deaths, animals known to be alive, and animals that become presumed dead (D. Laist – Marine Mammal Commission, Identification Database, March 2016)
- Funder report on SEUS sightings (C. George, Georgian Department of Natural Resources, Identification Database, November 2016)
- Right whale identification education module for Girls STEM class (Amy Whitt – Azura Consulting, Identification Database, June 2016)
- Development of right whale identification unit for 6th graders (P. Smukall – Miami University, Identification Database, August 2016)
- Development of right whale identification unit for high school marine biology course (C. Jones – Whitman Hanson Regional High School, Identification Database, September 2016)
- Right whale sighting and identification data 2007 through 2013 for MA Bay, Stellwagen Bank, and Cape Cod Bay (R. Charif – Cornell University, Identification Database, January 2016)
- Right whale calving data 1990-current and body condition data for males and females 1990-current (S. Whitman, Tufts University, Health Assessment and Identification Databases, January 2016)
- Individual right whale sighting data and associated effort data for Cape Cod Bay and area south of Nantucket for 2011-2015 (P. Corkeron – Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Sightings and Identification Databases, February 2016)
- Updated sightings for SEUS and most recent sightings for individual whales to create minimum life span (T. Gowan – Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Identification Database, March 2016)
- Occurrences of known right whale mortalities including age class, sex, whether or not the animal was nursing or pregnant, location of mortality, and cause of death (S. Parks – Syracuse University, Necropsy Database, March 2016)
- Sightings of cetacean species in areas off Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador (E. Marotte – Canada DFO, Sightings Database, March 2016)
- Calving history of acoustically sampled right whale mothers (D. Cusano – Syracuse University, Identification Database, May 2016)
- Sightings and effort data for cetacean, bird, fish, turtle species from 1980-2016 in the Gulf of Maine (D. Pendleton – New England Aquarium, Sightings Database, May 2016)
- Eg sightings in MIDA 1998-2015, including behavior, associations, and identifications. Also, sightings year prior and year after for Egs sighted in MIDA (A. Pabst – University of North Carolina Wilmington, Sightings and Identification Databases, June 2016)
- Calf data including ID, maternal and paternal ID and life history, mortality information (J. Tennessen - Syracuse University, Identification database, Mortality database, June 2016)
- Life history data for right whales sampled for fecal stress hormones and COD for dead sampled whales (R. Rolland - New England Aquarium, Identification and Mortality databases, July 2016)
- Sighting, mortality, health and entanglement data to build a reproducible framework for the PCAD model that provides individual and population level estimates of right whale health (R. Schick – University of St. Andrews, Sightings, Identification, and Visual Health databases, September 2016)
- Necropsy/mortality data for large whales on eastern US and Canadian coasts (M. Baumgartner – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Necropsy Database, October 2016)
- Seasonal distribution, abundance, and movements of basking sharks, Cetorhinus maximus, in the western North Atlantic. Extension request for thesis work (T. Curtis – National Marine Fisheries Service, Sightings Database, October 2016)
Approved Requests for NARWC Data 2017
Management Requests
Management Requests
- Assessment of right whale seasonal distribution along the western shore of Mass Bay in order to assess the feasibility of using weak ropes during certain parts of the winter and spring (B. Wikgren, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium, Sightings Database, January 2017)
- Assessing entanglement cases seen in the absence of attached gear (L. Caron, South Shore Lobstermen’s Association, Injury Data, January 2017)
- Marine Mammal mapping for assessment of offshore drilling site (M. Huskins-Shupe, Stantec, Sightings Database, January 2017)
- Analytical support for development and implementation of the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan (B. Morrison, Industrial Economics, Inc, Sightings Database, April 2017)
- Biophysical and Ecological Overview of the Cape Breton Trough Area of Interest (MH. Theriault, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, April 2017)
- Movements and oceanographic association of whale sharks in the North Atlantic (C. Braun, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, July 2017, Sightings Database)
- Status reports for Sei and Sowerby's beaked whales in the North Atlantic (S. Gowans, Eckerd College, July 2017, Sightings Database)
- Timing, occurrence and distribution of sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis) in the western North Atlantic based on 4 years of acoustic and visual survey data (P. Duley, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Sightings Database, August, 2017)
- Environmental Assessment for Statoil Canada Limited’s proposed Waverly 3D seismic survey (C. Jones, LGL Limited, Sightings Database, October 2017)
- Examine the impacts of offshore drilling and seismic testing within and around the critical habitat and migratory corridor of the North Atlantic Right Whale population (K. Iddings, Southern Environmental Law Center, Sightings Database, October 2017)
- Identification of right whales using SEUS 2011-2017 (C. George, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Identification Database, October 2017)
- Impact statement for Atlantic Link Cable (B. Hodge, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium, Sightings Database, November 2017)
- Right Whale Matching Game (S. Scharf, New England Aquarium, Identification Database, April 2017)
- Right Whale matching and distribution study for high school class (A. Harris, ESRI Canada, October 2017, Identification Database)
- Using hidden Markov models to estimate survival and movement probabilities from mark-recapture data of unknown subpopulations: an application to North Atlantic right whales (P. Conn, NMFS – AFSC, Sightings and Identification Databases, April 2017)
- Combining genetic and photo-identification data to improve abundance estimates for the North Atlantic right whale (T. Frasier, St. Mary’s University, Sightings, Identification, and Genetics Databases, September 2017)
Data access requests submitted to NARWC 2018
- MaryAnn Biehl, New York City College of Technology, CUNY, February 2018, April 2018, Right whale international signal flag project (images)
- Lucija Prelovec, Ocean School, August 2018, Interactive online platform for studying right whale distribution in Canadian waters (Identification Database)
- Zoe Bolling, US Coast Guard, March 2018, Geographic based risk assessment for North Atlantic Right Whale mortalities in traffic dense regions off the east coast of United States (Sightings Database)
- Nicholas Farmer, NOAA Fisheries Service, SRO, March 2018, Distribution of the Giant Oceanic Manta Ray (Manta birostris) in the southeastern United States (Sightings Database)
- Emma Marotte, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, DFO, March 2018, Cetacean presence in the Fundian Channel/Brown’s Bank area to inform protected area planning (Sightings Database)
- Jon Lang, Rhode Island Marine Animal Support, April 2018, Block Island SMA Modification to Protect Right Whales in the Providence/Quonset Port Area (Sightings Database)
- Max Strahan, Whale Safe USA, April 2018, Evaluation of right whale entanglements (Identification Database)
- Matt Robertson, Vineyard Wind, May 2018, Incidental harassment authorization application for proposed offshore wind farm (Sightings Database)
- Mindy Sweeny, Normandeau Associates, July 2018, Third party Biological Assessment and Environmental Impact Statement for Vineyard Wind offshore energy project (Sightings Database)
- Mindy Sweeny, Normandeau Associates, August 2018, Amendment to previous request to add sea turtle SPUE data (Sightings Database)
- Clay George, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, August 2018, Assessment of LIMPET tagged whales (Identification and Health Databases)
- Austin Rizzo, US Fish and Wildlife Service, September 2018, Marine Monument Plan/EA for the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument (Sightings Database)
- Margaret Miller, NMFS Office of Protected Resources, September 2018, Designation of Critical Habitat for the Giant Manta Ray – Biological Report (Sightings Database)
- Nick Sisson, Office of Protected Resources, NOAA, October 2018, Evaluating the extent and magnitude of survey effort relative to right whale distribution and identifying areas of high and low survey and right whale co-occurrence (Sightings Database)
- Heidi Henninger, Atlantic Offshore Lobstermen's Association, October 2018, Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team’s review of proposed fishery management action in area (Sightings and Identification Databases)
- Alison Johnson, Oceana, October 2018, Develop a campaign to address the key threats to their survival in Canada and the United States (Identification Database)
- Colin Jones, LGL Limited, November 2018, Environmental Assessment for Multiklient Invest’s proposed multi-year seismic (2D/3D) project, offshore Nova Scotia (Sightings Database)
- Erin Summers, Maine Department of Marine Resources, November 2018, Sightings per unit effort analysis of large whale species in the Gulf of Maine (Sightings Database)
- Jon Lang, Rhode Island Marine Animal Patrol, November 2018, Block Island SMA Modification to Protect Right Whales in the Providence/Quonset Port Area V2 (Sightings Database)
- Anne-Sophie Ste-Marie, St. Lawrence Global Observatory, January 2018, Integration of Sightings database in SLGO’s web application Marine Conditions (Sightings Database) – request denied on basis of public distribution of raw data
- Ester Quintana, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium, February 2018, Create an inventory of cetacean species using the Northeast Canyons National Marine Monument waters and examine distribution and relative abundance (Sightings Database)
- Brook Wikgren, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium, February 2018, Increasing Northeast US Marine Aquaculture production by Pre-Permitting Federal Ocean Space (Sightings Database)
- Kathleen Hunt, Northern Arizona University, March 2018, Investigating hormones in individual right whale baleen (Identification, Visual Health Assessment, Necropsy Databases)
- Sarah Sharp International Fund for Animal Welfare, April 2018, Gross and histopathological findings from North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) mortalities between 2003 and 2017 (Identification and Necropsy)
- Sarah Fortune, University of British Columbia, April 2018, Growth of North Atlantic Right Whales (Eubalaena glacialis) revisited (Identification and Necropsy Databases)
- Kimberely Davies, Dalhousie University, April 2018, North Atlantic right whale habitat use in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Sightings and Identification Databases)
- Meg Carr, Dalhousie University, May 2018, Vessel strike risk to North Atlantic right whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and comparison of strike risk between right whale habitats of eastern Canada (Sightings and Necropsy Databases)
- Christin Khan, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NMFS, June 2018, Computer vision for conservation (Images and Identification Database)
- Erin Meyer-Gutbrod, UC Santa Barbara, July 2018, Climate Change and the Conservation Oceanography of the North Atlantic Right Whale Population (Sightings and Identification Databases)
- Dan Pendleton, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium, July 2018, How and why is the timing and occurrence of seasonal migrants in the Gulf of Maine changing due to climate? (Sightings Database)
- Fredrick Christiansen, Cetacean Research Unit/Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, August 2018, A bi-hemispheric comparison of right whale body condition reveals poor nutritional state of the North Atlantic right whale, (Identification and Necropsy Databases)
- Bob Kenney, University of Rhode Island, August 2018, What if there were no fishing? North Atlantic right whale population trajectories without entanglement mortality (Identification Database)
- Simone Cominelli, Memorial University of Newfoundland, August 2018, Temporal Trends in Vessel Traffic and Vessel-source Noise in the Cabot Strait (Sightings Database)
- Sean Brillant, Canadian Wildlife Federation, September 2018, Modelling fishing effort displacement: an examination of the impacts to the Southern Gulf of St Lawrence snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery and North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) entanglement risk (Sightings Database)
- Doug Nowacek, Duke University, October 2018, Using Multispectral Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning to Automatically Detect Marine Mammals from Orbit (Sightings Database)
- Julie Dombroski, Syracuse University, October 2018, Investigating whether calf presence and age affect the distribution of depths to where pregnant and nursing females dive (Identification Database)
- Nathaniel Willse, University of Maine, November 2018, An assessment of Vertical Line Use in Gulf of Maine Region Fixed Gear Fisheries and Resulting Conservation Benefits for the Endangered North Atlantic Right Whale (Sightings Database)
Approved Data Access Requests 2019
- Megan McCosker, Mount Desert Island High School, January 2019, Comparing trends in Right Whales, Ocean Sunfish, and Basking sharks in the Bay of Fundy (Sightings Database)
- Max Strahan, Whale Safe USA, March 2019, Modeling the North Atlantic right whale population (Sightings and Identification Databases)
- Melissa Munro, Sierra Club Canada Foundation, July 2019, Images and biographical information for dead right whales (Identification Database)
- Nick Record, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, July 2019, Modeling right whale habitat (Sightings Database)
- Loren Valliere-Tucker, Wildlines Newsletter, August 2019, Right whale images for article (Identification Database)
- Alexa Dysch, Newport One, December 2019, Right whale images to support Ocean Conservancy campaign (Identification Database)
- Sarah Glitz, Oceana, January 2019, Map of North Atlantic Right Whale distribution on US coast. (Sightings Database)
- Cheri Patterson, NH Fish and Game Dept, January 2019, Atlantic Large Whale Sightings and Identification data update (Sightings Database)
- David Aubrey, EOM Offshore, LLC, January 2019, A plan that defines the optimal locations for PAMs used for NARW detection in the RI/southern MA area. (Sightings Database)
- Erin Burke, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, March 2019, Spatial-temporal analysis of right whale sightings in Massachusetts state waters and adjacent federal waters (2008-2018) (Sightings Database)
- Caroline Good, Duke University, April 2019, Hindcast/drift modeling analyses for dead right whales (Mortality Database)
- Michelle Cho, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at NEAq, May 2019, Reducing risk of sourcing seafood from fisheries that have interacted with NARWs (Sightings Database)
- Richard Pace, NOAA Fisheries, May 2019, Population Evaluation Tool to Assess Extinction Risk for North Atlantic Right Whales (Sightings and Identification Databases)
- Kaitlyn Mullen, Frenchman Bay Research Boating, June 2019, Summary of right whale sighting data for the Zone2B commercial lobster fishing region (Sightings Database)
- Purcie Bennett-Nickerson, Bennett Nickerson Environmental Consulting, July 2019, Mapping right whale sightings south of Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket (Sightings Database)
- Kimberley Davies, University of New Brunswick, August 2019, Cross reference Gulf of St Lawrence sightings (Identification Database)
- Robert Nudd, August 2019, Right whale sightings in the Gulf of Maine 2016-present (Sightings Database)
- Patrice McCarron, Maine Lobstermen's Association, August 2019, Right whale resurrections over time (Identification Database)
- Jeff Adams, NOAA, August 2019, 2017-2019 North Atlantic Right Whale Unusual Mortality Event Story Map (Identification Database)
- Todd Callahan, Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, August 2019, support the Massachusetts ocean plan update process, the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (Sightings Database)
- Christine Martineau, WSP, September 2019, Evaluation of the impact of submarine energy interconnection in Gulf of St. Lawrence (Sightings Database)
- Jessica Aschettino, HDR, September 2019, List of reproductive females to avoid during tagging efforts (Identification Database)
- Richard Pace, NEFSC, October 2019, VHA for use in Risk Assessment Tool (Visual Health Assessment Database)
- Mark Baumgartner, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, October 2019, Determining areas for experimental ropeless fishing in Cape Cod and Massachusetts Bays that minimize entanglement risks to right whales (Sightings Database)
- Ester Quintana, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at NEAq, April 2019, Resighting and movement patterns of right whales sighted in an area designated for offshore wind energy development (Sightings and Identification Databases)
- Hansen Johnson, Dalhousie University, April 2019, Expansion of WhaleMap (Sightings Database)
- Bill McWeeny, CALVIN Project - Adams School, April 2019, Dominance in Inherited Ventral White Patches of the North Atlantic Right Whale (Identification Database)
- Olivia Pisano, Dalhousie University, May 2019, Using VHR satellite imagery to protect endangered North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) (Sightings Database)
- Brooke Hodge, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at NEAq, May 2019, Updated right whale sightings map for Disappearing Giants book (Sightings Database)
- Rob Williams, Oceans Initiative, May 2019, Cryptic mortality of North Atlantic right whales (NARW) (Identification and Mortality Databases)
- Leah Crowe, NEFSC, May 2019, A capture-recapture analysis of the North Atlantic right whale within the Gulf of St. Lawrenc (Identification Database)
- Katherine Graham, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at NEAq, June 2019, Validation of steroid hormone immunoassays for blubber in the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) (Identification and Mortality Databases)
- Rosalind Rolland, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at NEAq, June 2019, Fecal thyroid hormone as a biomarker of nutritional status in North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) (Identification, Visual Health Assessment, and Mortality Databases)
- Steve Wang, Swathmore, July 2019, Bayesian modeling of North Atlantic right whale population size (Identification Database)
- Alexandra Cole, Canadian Wildlife Federation, July 2019, Modelling fishing effort displacement in the Gulf of St Lawrence snow crab fishery: quantifying fisheries management measures for the North Atlantic right whale entanglement prevention (Sightings Database)
- Kimberly Franklin, Dalhousie University, August 2019, Using sonobuoys and visual surveys to describe North Atlantic right whale acoustic ecology in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Sightings and Identification Databases)
- Kristina Guarino, University of North Carolina, Wilmington, August 2019, Is the quality and abundance of C5 C. finmarchicus linked to the presence and calving success of North Atlantic right whales feeding in the Bay of Fundy? (Identification Database)
- Gina Lonati, University of New Brunswick, September 2019, Effects of mouth entanglements on the prey capture efficiency of large whale baleen (Necropsy and Entanglement Data)
- Dan Pendleton, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at NEAq, October 2019, Predicting regions of North Atlantic right whale habitat suitability in the Gulf of Maine and Gulf of St Lawrence in (Sightings Database)
- Laura Howes, University of Massachusetts, Boston, November 2019, Likely Distributions of Large Whales in the Gulf of Maine (Sightings Database)
- Nathan Crum, Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, December 2019, North Atlantic right whale recruitment dynamics (Sightings, Identification, Visual Health Assessment, and Mortality Databases)
Approved Data Access Requests 2020
- Erica Fuller, Conservation Law Foundation, Entanglements in Southern New England, May 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Bruno Leão Teixeira, Student, Automation of cetacean identification by image analysis, June 2020 (Identification Database)
- Kim Sawicki, University of Connecticut, January 2020, Image use for inclusion in ropeless paper (Identification Database)
- Katherine Deuel, Pew Trusts, January 2020, Mapping right whale sightings in Massachusetts waters (Sightings)
- Todd Callahan, Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, January 2020, Mapping sea turtle activity in and around Massachusetts waters (Sightings Database)
- Isabelle Theriault, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, January 2020, Species at risk app for management (Sightings Database)
- Patricia Shaw-Allen, NOAA Fisheries, ESA section 7 consultation on EPA's authorization of industrial stormwater discharges into waters of the US under the Multisector General Permit, October 2020 (Contaminants and Sightings Databases)
- Erin Burke, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, Spatial-temporal analysis of right whale sightings in Massachusetts state waters and adjacent federal waters (2015-2019), June 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Sean Brillant, Canadian Wildlife Federation, Online interactive mapping software development for the mitigation of right and blue whale ship strikes in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, June 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Catalina Gomez, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Reproducible Reports for Species At Risk: Development of a tool to produce consistent reports within Predicted Exposure Zones (PEZ) for a variety of threats and activities, September 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Mike James, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Atlantic Canadian Sea Turtle Sightings, November 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Bob Kenney, University of Rhode Island, January 2020, Book chapter: North Atlantic Right Whale, Eubalaena glacialis (Müller,1776)—for an upcoming series entitled Handbook of the Mammals of Europe (Sightings and Identification Databases)
- Joshua Reed, Macquarie University, January 2020, On different tracks: can right whale life history traits explain the different population trajectories post whaling of the thriving southern right whale and the imperiled North Atlantic right whale (Sightings, Identification, Visual Health Assessment, and Scarring Databases)
- Chris Brackley, Canadian Geographic Magazine, Map for article in Canadian Geographic Magazine on Right Whales, August 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Brooke Hodge, New England Aquarium, Assessment of Species Diversity in the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument, June 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Katherine King, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, An animal welfare assessment for North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis), July 2020 (Visual Health and Sightings Databases)
- Hansen Johnson, Dalhousie University, The right whale “head push” and its potential role in reproductive advertisement, July 2020 (Genetic, Identification, and Sightings Databases)
- Meghan Rickard, New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation, Right whale sighting manuscript, July 2020 (Identification and Sightings Databases)
- Michael Moore, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, We are all Whalers, July 2020 (Necropsy and Identification Databases)
- Philip Hamilton, New England Aquarium, Case studies of North Atlantic right whale calves: genetic identifications challenge our assumptions of calf physical development and mother-calf associations and separation times, July 2020 (Necropsy and Identification Databases)
- Michelle Staudinger, USGS, Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center, UMass Amherst, A pilot biodiversity inventory and monitoring protocol in support of coastal adaptation projects in tidal and nearshore subtidal habitats of Boston Harbor Islands, July 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Véronique Lesage, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, The Gulf of St. Lawrence as a feeding ground for right whales, August 2020 (Identification and Sightings Databases)
- John Durban, Southall Environmental Associates, Interpreting growth and body condition of NARWs in the context of life history events and traumatic injuries, August 2020 (Visual Health, Necropsy, and Identification Databases)
- Mariah Pfleger, Oceana, North Atlantic Right Whale Ship Speed Report, August 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Genevieve Davis, NOAA NEFSC, Bridging the gap between visual and acoustic data for North Atlantic right whales using occupancy models, September 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Oaklin Keefe, NOAA/AOML/Physical Oceanography Division, Monitoring the overlap of North Atlantic right whale sightings, vessel traffic, and ocean features along the United States East Coast., October 2020 (Identification and Sightings Databases)
- Jessica Redfern, Spatial Ecology Mapping & Assessment Program, New England Aquarium, Assessing the exposure of right whales to ship traffic, October 2020 (Identification Database)
- Alexandra Cole, Canadian Wildlife Federation, Evaluating interannual variability of North Atlantic right whale detection rates and surveillance effort in Atlantic Canada, October 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Danielle Brown, Rutgers University, Historic occurrence of large whales in the New York Bight, October 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Timothy Gowan, Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, Integrating demographic and distribution modeling of the North Atlantic right whale with spatial capture-recapture, October 2020 (Identification and Sightings Databases)
- Josh Kohut, Rutgers University, Exploring the mechanisms that link ocean features to North Atlantic Right Whale Habitat Preference in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, October 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Orla O'Brien, New England Aquarium, Abundance, demographics, movement patterns, and occupancy of whales in Massachusetts and Rhode Island wind energy areas, October 2020 (Identification Database)
- Rick Danielson, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Correlation of North Atlantic right whale presence with surface mesoscale features in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, October 2020 (Sightings Database)
- William Perrie, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Space Whale: Real time monitoring of potential whale habitats from space, November 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Bob Kenney, URI Graduate School of Oceanography; Rhode Island Natural History Survey, Marine Mammals of Rhode Island: North Atlantic Right Whale, December 2020 (Sightings Database)
- Peter Tyack, University of St Andrews, Modelling the Impact of Single and Multiple Stressors on Right Whales, December 2020 (Identification, Necropsy, Visual Health, and Sightings Databases)
- Liz Burgess, New England Aquarium, Understanding comprehensive physiological responses of North Atlantic right whales living in the Anthropocene, December 2020 (Identification, Necropsy, Visual Health, and Sightings Databases)
- Sadie Cwikiel, International Marine Mammal Project, The Ocean Plastic Plague, December 2020 (Identification, Visual Health, and Sightings Databases)
Approved Data Access Requests 2021
- Simon L'Allier, Sierra Club Canada Foundation, Campaign - All That's Left..., February 2021 (Identification Database)
- Cassidy Arnold, Let's Talk Science, Oceans Workshop, June 2021 (Identification Database)
- Elizabeth Purcell, NGS & TNC Extern, The Impacts of Fishing Gear Entanglements on Marine Species Along the New Jersey Coast, October 2021 (Visual Health and Identification Databases)
- Kiara Daniel, CPS Global School, Modelling the population of the North Atlantic Right Whale, October 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Laura Hayes, Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro, North Atlantic Right Whale Litigation, January 2021 (Identification, Necropsy, and Sightings Databases)
- Dean Russell, Freelance science reporter, End of the Line: A Narrative of North Atlantic Right Whale Lineage, March 2021 (Identification and Sightings Databases)
- Dan Reed, Global Spatial Technology Solutions (GSTS), WhaleWatcher (W2) - Integrated NARW data management and smart-queuing tasked optical imagery system, February 2021 (Identification and Sightings Databases)
- Daniel Dorfman, US Department of Commerce-NOAA-NCCOS/CSS, Linking Multiple Data Sources to Better Describe Fishing Vessel Activity on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf, February 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Bob Kenney, URI Graduate School of Oceanography, ASRG comment on Take Reduction Plan Proposed Rule, February 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Olivier Tsui, Hatfield Consultants, SmartWhales Space-Based Detection System, March 2021 (Identification and Sightings Database)
- Andrea Ahrens, Stantec, New England Aqua Ventus I Offshore Wind Demonstration Project, April 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Kelsey Hayden, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Maritimes Region, LFA38 Pilot Study, May 2021 (Identification, Visual health, Necropsy, and Sightings Databases)
- Christin Khan, NOAA Fisheries, Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team, May 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Katharine Deuel, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Pew Emergency Action Petition 2021, May 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Patrick Lafrance, WSP Canada, SmartWhales - Stream 2, July 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Todd Callaghan, Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, Gulf of Maine Floating Offshore Wind Preliminary Siting Analysis, August 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Caroline Good, NMFS - Office of Protected Resources, North Atlantic Right Whale Vessel Strike Assessment, November 2021 (Identification and Sightings Databases)
- Amadi Afua Sefah-Twerefour, University of South Carolina (School of the Earth, Ocean and Environment), A Review and Analysis of North Atlantic Right Whale / Human Interactions in the Southeast USA, January 2021 (Identification Database)
- Delphine Durette-Morin, Dalhousie University, Acoustic gliders to trigger real time dynamic fishery management restrictions that protect North Atlantic right whales in Canada; a performance study, February 2021 (Identification Database)
- David Wiley, NOAA/Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Exploring the use of seabirds as dynamic ocean management tools to mitigate entanglement and vessel strike risk to large whales, February 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Andrew Dimatteo, McLaughlin Research Corporation, Density Modeling for Loggerhead and Leatherback Sea Turtles in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean, March 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Hansen Johnson, Dalhousie University, Comparing right whale acoustic and visual distributions within a large sonobuoy array, March 2021 (Identification and Sightings Databases)
- Erin LaBrecque, Marine Mammal Commission, Biologically Important Areas (II)- East Coast Region, March 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Amy Knowlton, New England Aquarium, Allocation of entanglement events to region/country, March 2021 (Visual Health, Necropsy, and Identification Databases)
- Meg Carr, Dalhousie University, Vessel-strike risk to large baleen whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and St. Lawrence Estuary, April 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Emily Chou, Wildlife Conservation Society, Occurrence of Baleen Whales in the New York Bight, 1998 – 2017: Insights from Opportunistic Data, April 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Christin Khan, NOAA Fisheries, Geospatial Artificial Intelligence for Animals, May 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Briana Abrahms, University of Washington, Mapping the Intersection of Whales and Ships, June 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Richard Strahan, Calm Earth Corporation, Assessing Minimum Viable Population Size of Endangered Whale Species, June 2021 (Identification and Sightings Databases)
- Joshua Stewart, NOAA SWFSC Marine Mammal & Turtle Division, Body size and fecundity in North Atlantic right whales, June 2021 (Identification and Sightings Databases)
- Alexandra Cole, Canadian Wildlife Federation, Cost-benefit comparison of different Canadian North Atlantic right whale fishery closure strategies in the GSL snow crab fishery, June 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Zachary Mottershead, University of Plymouth, Mapping North Atlantic Right Whale distributions off the east coast of the US, using GIS software, July 2021 (Identification and Sightings Databases)
- Charles Mayo, Center for Coastal Studies, Quantifying right whale site fidelity to Cape Cod Bay, August 2021 (Identification Database)
- Timothy Frasier, Saint Mary's University, How should we think about reproduction in North Atlantic right whales?, August 2021 (Identification Database)
- Hannah Solway, Dalhousie University, Assessing Northwest Atlantic baleen whale distribution relative to human pressures, September 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Dan Pendleton, New England Aquarium, Rule-based forecasting for right whale conservation in the Bay of Fundy, October 2021 (Sightings Database)
- Len Thomas, University of St Andrews, Assessing population effects of offshore wind development on North Atlantic Right Whales, November 2021 (Identification, Visual Health, Anthropogenic Events, and Sightings Databases)
- Erin Meyer-Gutbrod, University of South Carolina, Developing an individual movement model with prey abundance to quantify North Atlantic right whale habitat use and predict reproductive success, December 2021 (Identification Database)
- Michael Moore, WHOI, Snow Cone - an autobiography, December 2021 (Visual Health, Blubber archive, and Acoustic Databases)